Exceptional projects and outstanding customers. We are proud to be masters and air designers in so many fields and are delighted with our achievements and work over the past few years. Customers have often become friends and we are not only delighted to be guests in the hotels, restaurants and cafés we have helped to design, but also to receive excellent feedback and recommendations from our customers.

LSA Hotel & Catering

Feeling at home, but not necessarily being at home, is the ultimate ambition of the hotel and catering industry. For this feeling of well-being to be possible in the first place, it is not only the atmosphere, the interior design or the friendliness of the staff employed in the establishment that must be present. The climatic conditions in terms of temperature, the perfectly calculated air speeds flowing in the room and the absence of odours must also be taken into account and treated with care. Because the home is also a place where it smells good and is clean, a place where it is ventilated or, in the best case, where the ventilation system is adjusted to individual needs and the temperature and air flow are perfectly calculated and regulated.

Over the years, we at LSA Luft-Systeme Althuber GmbH have equipped international and traditional kitchens in Austria, Germany and beyond European borders with our kitchen ventilation systems. We have also ensured that canteens, restaurants and coffee houses, as well as temporary living spaces such as flats, hotel rooms and suites, are supplied with clean air to make holidays, candlelit dinners, Korean hotpots and all-day sitting in a Viennese coffee house a perfect, feel-good experience.

Whether hotel chain or small bed and breakfast, open-plan kitchen of a school or small kitchenette of a café, we equip to guarantee well-being with good air. Not only for your guests, but also for your employees and, of course, for you... and ultimately for us too, because visiting our customers is very important to us.

LSA Industry

Upper Austria is the largest industrial region in Austria and that is why we, especially as a small company from the Lower Mühlviertel, are proud to be able to contribute to our province and to equip the companies located here, as well as large-scale industry, with our customised ventilation systems. Together with our partners, we create a great space for new technologies and we believe in the value of hard work, whether mental or physical, which is primarily carried out in industry.

Good air also plays an important role here, because anyone who works needs air, energy and strength and knows that work can also be strenuous. And since unhealthy fine dust, unpleasant odours, toxic gases and substances that are harmful to health can fly around in addition to human vapours, especially in workshops or industrial halls, we want to protect the men and women who work and continue to offer them a healthy existence. Clean air also increases productivity immensely. Because work is important, but a healthy, long life is the top priority.

That's why we are experts in the field of industrial ventilation and cleanrooms, which can be found in sensitive areas such as the food and pharmaceutical industries, as well as in the healthcare sector. We want to ensure that people are protected and that the products manufactured fulfil the quality requirements, that the air is clean and that pollutants and germs are filtered or prevented from developing in the first place. Because this is not only important for our customers' consumers, but also ultimately for every human life. Together, we will find the perfect solution to protect industry, people, air and nature!

LSA Home

Mi Casa e su casa - Mein Zuhause ist dein Zuhause. Unser Ziel ist es individuelle Lösungen für Ihr Zuhause zu finden. Wir behandeln jedes Projekt, als ginge es um unser eigenes Zuhause und versuchen mit ganzem Herzen die beste Lösung für Sie und Ihre Geldtasche zu finden - denn: My house is my castle.

Und nicht ohne Grund ist das Zuhause der wichtigste Ort für einen Menschen. Unsere Vorfahren haben dies bereits in der Steinzeit gewusst, Höhlen gesucht und später Hütten, Häuser und Monumente gebaut, um sich ein gemütliches Dasein zu schaffen und sich aber auch vor der Natur und seinen wilden Geschöpfen und Launen zu schützen. Zuhause ist aber auch ein Ort des Lachens und Beisammenseins und der kreativen Entfaltung, die so wichtig für jede*n Einzelne*n ist.

Heutzutage gibt es jedoch andere Dinge vor denen wir uns schützen müssen, da mit der Industriellen Revolution im Jahre 1760 neue Herausforderungen aber auch Möglichkeiten gestellt wurden und die Alten immer mehr in Vergessenheit geraten sind. Die Luft wurde eine Zeit lang nicht gut behandelt und Gott sei dank hat die Menschheit gemerkt, dass saubere, reine und schadstofffreie Luft absolut wichtig ist, um ein Wohlbefinden überhaupt erst herstellen zu können und Krankheiten zu vermeiden, sowie der Bevölkerung vor allem in den Städten ein Lebenswertes Dasein zu bieten.

Lüftungs- und Klimaanlagen für das eigene Zuhause sind längst kein Luxus mehr, sondern wahrer Schutz vor Krankheitserregern, Blütenpollen, Schimmelpilzen und eine Investition für erholsamen Schlaf, sowie dem daraus resultierenden langen, gesunden Leben. Wir glauben an die Macht der reinen Luft, denn nicht ohne Grund gibt es Luftkurorte in den Bergen oder am Meer: Wieso nicht einen eigenen Luftkurort in den eigenen vier Wänden schaffen?

Sie wollen Ihren persönlichen Luftkurort schaffen?


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